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New blog! New job!

Whether you stumbled here in aN internet wormhole at 2 AM, are facebook friends with my mom or have followed my journey for a long time, thank you for visiting my blog! 

I’m happy to announce what I’m doing in the next season of life.

I have accepted a full-time position with Adventures in Missions and will be moving to Gainesville, Georgia at the end of January. 

For the past 11 months my passion for storytelling through media has grown exponentially. I went on the race with a camera and a few small goals, and what I encountered was opportunity after opportunity to share what God is doing in and around me. From fundraising videos for squad mates, hiding my camera in my jacket to film in Chinese hospitals, and making music videos I’ve loved it all.

My new title is Video Producer and member of the video team for AIM. Naturally some are thinking, “so, marketing?” and my response would be, “nahhhhh, not quite.” This team is dedicated to sharing stories and ideas that lead people to think in new ways, or have a conversation they wouldn’t have had before, or take the next step in something they had dreamt about but never done, just to name a few ideas. Some videos may directly mention the World Race and Christianity and others may not at all, but each one adds to an atmosphere that impacts and inspires people.

One part of my responsibilities in this new role is fundraising, and honestly I’m nervous to do this. Fundraising for my World Race was different because it was so adventurous and crazy, plus it had an start and end date. This new role…it’s hard to describe and I know that. But what I’ve felt stronger than any fear is joy for this type of work and passion for getting better at it to serve the Kingdom.

In the next 12 months, I need to raise $14,000. One time gifts are definitely welcome, but what I’m hoping and praying for are more monthly supporters. If 60 people gave $20 a month, I’d be golden! There are many ways to split the numbers, but at the end of the day I need a community that wants to come along side me in any way they feel led to.

If you can support me financially, you can click on these blue words or go to the ‘Support Me’ tab on the left side of this page.

(Spoiler Alert*** I’m working on a cool tshirt, because why not. Monthly supporters will definitely get one for “free”!) 

I’M EXCITED! I’ll be learning from/with some really great people. The first few months will most likely be similar to drinking from a fire hose, but I have swim goggles so all should be well. Please watch the video below to meet the team and check out the World Race Films channel on youtube –> AMAZING VIDEOS.

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!